Tuesday, August 10, 1982

August 10 - Hanover, PA

We got here real early in the morning. It was a dreary day. Overcast and rainy (of course).

A crazy thing happened on the way to the stadium:  We had warmed up way down the street in some park. We were marching back to the stadium, and Thom Hannum was stopping traffing so we could cross. Well this big Cadillac comes flying down the street, slams on brakes and almost hits Hannum. The dude got out and starts giving Thom a bunch of flak about being in the middle of the street. Really going off. So we broke formation and surrounded the guy. Had he made one wrong move towards Hannum, it was ON! Hannum calmly suggested he rethink his position and leave. Wisely, the guy did. Unreal moment.

We won the show, beating Sky Ryders

1. Crossmen  84.80
2. Sky Ryders  81.55

1. Crossmen  17.4
2. Sky  15.4 

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