Saturday, June 26, 1982

June 26 - Fairfax, VA

Interesting day today. We played for the Grand Opening of Wild World Amusement Park in Bowie, MD. We did a standstill performance of the show at the front gates, then marched through the park. It was torture standing there in those black uniforms watching all of the kiddies splashing around in the water park.

We practiced at Lake Braddock HS most of the afternoon. Then afterwards, we had some neighborhood invite us to a cookout. We played a standstill and then got to hit the pool. I'm not sure they really knew what they were getting themselves into by letting a bunch of drum corps kids loose in the pool. I swear it looked like the Caddy Day scene from the movie Caddyshack. Complete mayhem.

Housing site is the Fairfax County Police Association.

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